Journal Entry Inquiry


The Journal Entry Inquiry function is used to view the contents of a specific entry. This option is an alternative to the General Journal.


No changes can be made to journal entries from this screen. To change an entry, you must use the Edit a Normalized Entry option which can be access from the toolbox. An access code is required.

You can hide the Comment section by clicking Hide Comment Screen in Configuration.



  • Entries must have been posted using the various transfer options in the system.




maestro* > Accounting > Analysis and Inquiry > Accounting > Journal Entry Inquiry


Inquire about a journal entry

  1. Enter a Transaction No.


All of the information for the entry is displayed by default.

You can sort by: but double-clicking in the column header.

Two icons are displayed for accessing document management if the option is installed.

  1. The first is available if the transaction comes from a journal entry. The documents displayed are linked to the original journal entry
  2. The second icon is always available. The documents displayed are linked to the Journal entry. If you click this icon, you can also see the transfer report that includes the transaction if the Save Transfer Reports and Category of Documents options have been selected and completed.
  3. These settings are available when you click the Configuration icon on the main menu. Simply click the General Settings option, then General Ledger, General section.


See also


Last modification: September 20, 2024